Juab High License Plate Frame, Custom

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  • Regular price $15.00
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Show off your Juab High School spirit with these aluminum license plate frames.  And while the image, just like any other image left out in the sun over a long period of time will fade eventually it will never crack or peel off as the image is dyed directly in to the metal.  Have even more fun with them by customizing them to you our your student(s).  Just follow these easy steps when ordering.

1- Select back ground ("Juab" red or steel silver) and font color ("Juab" red or gold).

2- Select either "Juab High School - Wasps" or "We are.... - Juab" layout.

3- If selecting "Juab High School - Wasps" we can add up to 4 icons to show your interests such as a soccer ball, football, dancer, theatre, etc. or the wasp.

4- If the finished product is not shipping out of Juab Utah be sure to message us so that we can take off/refund shipping charges and we will arrange for a pick up or delivery.